The North Berkeley Neighborhood
(td.TableHeadLine) |
North Berkeley
— Shattuck Avenue Between Hearts and Rose (td.TableSubHeadLine) |
Home of world famous Chez
Panisse restaurant, but I think its real claim to fame
is the French Hotel, where
one of the wizards in the cafe make an excellent and
inexpensive Giant Capuchino. I've never had better
coffee, so, I've dubbed it the "Best Capuchino
In The World"
The Cheese Board, just up the street, makes great breads
and KILLER goat cheese pizza. They're extremely tasty
- only Bell's Pizza in Amherst, MA and The Boonton
Inn in Boonton, NJ were better. It's very different
New York style (go to Arinell, in downtown Berkeley
for the most-like-New-York-pizza). Lococo's, about
a block
north, is another favorite. Saul's Deli has really
good pastrami and kishke.. almost (but not quite) like
back in The Bronx. Then again, I can't get pastrami
and kishke back in The Bronx anymore... so I guess
it's better. |
Be sure to browse the great neighborhood bookstores. Easy Going is my favorite
travel bookstore where I first go to buy my travel books and supplies. Several
times a month they have guest speakers. Black Oak Books has guest authors speak
several times a week. Carol met Spaulding Gray there when she was ordering a
book for me.
Berkeley's fine coffee craze began at Peet's. Their flagship store is still on
the corner of Walnut and Vine. |
Click on the images to search for homes and discover the neighborhood |
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Sed non neque. Nullam elit leo, tristique et, cursus
eget, vestibulum et, nunc. Integer congue, urna quis posuere elementum,
diam nisl gravida orci, non vehicula mi dui ut massa. Suspendisse
potenti. Sed at arcu. Vivamus tempus wisi at velit. Aliquam nulla.
Sed ornare imperdiet odio. Pellentesque elementum commodo erat. Vivamus
porttitor lacus quis justo. Nulla mattis leo eu ipsum imperdiet vulputate. |
Restaurants (td.TableHeadlineContent) |
Restaurant |
Solano Avenue
Albany, CA
510-558-9000 |
Lovely restaurant on Solano
Avenue with a pleasant garden in back. Eat dinner, and watch the
racoons watch you eat dinner. Rivoli's, Lalimes, Skates, and Breads
of India are some of our favorite Berkeley restaurants. |
Restaurant |
Solano Avenue
Albany, CA
510-558-9000 |
Lovely restaurant on Solano
Avenue with a pleasant garden in back. Eat dinner, and watch the
racoons watch you eat dinner. Rivoli's, Lalimes, Skates, and Breads
of India are some of our favorite Berkeley restaurants. |
Restaurant |
Solano Avenue
Albany, CA
510-558-9000 |
Lovely restaurant on Solano
Avenue with a pleasant garden in back. Eat dinner, and watch the
racoons watch you eat dinner. Rivoli's, Lalimes, Skates, and Breads
of India are some of our favorite Berkeley restaurants. |
Restaurant |
Solano Avenue
Albany, CA
510-558-9000 |
Lovely restaurant on Solano
Avenue with a pleasant garden in back. Eat dinner, and watch the
racoons watch you eat dinner. Rivoli's, Lalimes, Skates, and Breads
of India are some of our favorite Berkeley restaurants. |
Cugini |
Sacramento Street
Berkeley, CA
510-848-7684 |
If there were a Pantheon
dedicated to Pizza, Cheese Board would be Zeus, Arinell would win
the award for “most like NY style”, Lococos and Cugini would be
lesser gods... and Zachary’s would be mere mortals..
Zachary’s keeps on getting awards, but I think that’s only because
the Cheese Board is only open limited hours druing the daytime |
Boran |
1736 Solano Avenue
Berkeley, CA
510-527-8611 |
Excellent Thai food... their
Pad Thai is very good. The smells sometimes waft up to our office.
We’ve two Thai Restaurants on upper Solano Avenue. Check out Boran
and Sweet Basil and let us know which is your favorite. I enjoyed
my meal at Sweet Basil far more than a much more expensive dinner
at Emeril's in New Orleans |
Give us a call - we'll treat
you like friends! (td.TableHealineMed) |
Sed nec mauris. Duis tincidunt pellentesque
nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam eget turpis. Sed vestibulum commodo
lorem. Etiam eros massa, venenatis at, hendrerit vitae, aliquam ut,
mauris. Aenean pede velit, suscipit a, placerat id, dapibus ut, ipsum.
Sed gravida. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Sed ac mi eget massa facilisis aliquam. Proin nisl dui, condimentum
et, tempus eget, dictum sit amet, metus. Pellentesque aliquam semper
est. In nec nunc. In non eros porta purus euismod faucibus. Donec
adipiscing, metus quis aliquet consectetuer, enim nulla lacinia nulla,
at ultricies lacus metus eu elit. In nec sem et pede adipiscing placerat.
Integer sit amet leo in mi dictum varius. Praesent sed urna ac lorem
pharetra aliquet. Nulla viverra lectus sed magna. Donec facilisis
purus eu tortor. Nunc sagittis risus vel magna euismod suscipit. Phasellus
ullamcorper. Ut semper, justo egestas mattis hendrerit, tortor libero
euismod nunc, eget varius quam ligula at arcu. |
Restaurants (td.TableHeadlineContent) |
Restaurant |
Solano Avenue
Albany, CA
510-558-9000 |
Lovely restaurant on Solano
Avenue with a pleasant garden in back. Eat dinner, and watch the
racoons watch you eat dinner. Rivoli's, Lalimes, Skates, and Breads
of India are some of our favorite Berkeley restaurants. |
Restaurant |
Solano Avenue
Albany, CA
510-558-9000 |
Lovely restaurant on Solano
Avenue with a pleasant garden in back. Eat dinner, and watch the
racoons watch you eat dinner. Rivoli's, Lalimes, Skates, and Breads
of India are some of our favorite Berkeley restaurants. |
Restaurant |
Solano Avenue
Albany, CA
510-558-9000 |
Lovely restaurant on Solano
Avenue with a pleasant garden in back. Eat dinner, and watch the
racoons watch you eat dinner. Rivoli's, Lalimes, Skates, and Breads
of India are some of our favorite Berkeley restaurants. |
Restaurant |
Solano Avenue
Albany, CA
510-558-9000 |
Lovely restaurant on Solano
Avenue with a pleasant garden in back. Eat dinner, and watch the
racoons watch you eat dinner. Rivoli's, Lalimes, Skates, and Breads
of India are some of our favorite Berkeley restaurants. |
Cugini |
Sacramento Street
Berkeley, CA
510-848-7684 |
If there were a Pantheon
dedicated to Pizza, Cheese Board would be Zeus, Arinell would win
the award for “most like NY style”, Lococos and Cugini would be
lesser gods... and Zachary’s would be mere mortals..
Zachary’s keeps on getting awards, but I think that’s only because
the Cheese Board is only open limited hours druing the daytime |
Boran |
1736 Solano Avenue
Berkeley, CA
510-527-8611 |
Excellent Thai food... their
Pad Thai is very good. The smells sometimes waft up to our office.
We’ve two Thai Restaurants on upper Solano Avenue. Check out Boran
and Sweet Basil and let us know which is your favorite. I enjoyed
my meal at Sweet Basil far more than a much more expensive dinner
at Emeril's in New Orleans |
Click on the images to search for homes and discover the neighborhood |
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Nearby shops, restaurants, parks, cafes |
Neighborhood Photos |
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Click on the images to search for homes and discover the neighborhood |
What's for sale – Search the MLS |
Nearby shops, restaurants, parks, cafes |
Neighborhood Photos |
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