Kensington... a town which
reminds me of back east!

Wallen Maybeck House - Purdue Avenue
Kensington reminds me a lot of an East
Coast town; perhaps that's why Carol and I would live there if
we ever decided to move from Thousand Oaks.
I once read that Kensington had the highest
education level of all communities in the Bay Area, and the highest
number of Nobel Laureates. I wouldn't be surprised if that were
so. J. Robert Oppenheimer, father of the Atomic Bomb lived in
Kensington when he was at UC Berkeley. I've been fascinated by
him ever since seeing the public television series on him, starring
Sam Waterston. Frank Oppenheimer, his brother, was a (the?) founder
of San Francisco's wonderful Exploratorium.
Here's a quick link to all the homes for sale in Kensington - The newest listings are at the top! |
This is an interactive map - use your mouse to move in, click the +/- to zoom in, and zoom on the map to see what's for sale. |
Kensington is almost entirely in the hills,
so many homes have bay views. Upslope lots tend to have terraced
yards which are great for kids, and the downslope lots often
have decks and views unobstructed by wires or light poles. Kensington
has several distinct areas. I call one of them "Old England" because
the street names are Stratford, Avon (yes, there is a Stratford
at Avon), Coventry, Kingston, etc. This neighborhood is between
Colusa Avenue (Kensington Circle) and The Arlington (Kensington
Village). The homes tend to be older and more distinguished.
The streets between The Arlington and Grizzly Peak are named after colleges -
Stanford, Purdue, Beloit, Columbia... so I describe it as the "College District".
These homes generally were built in the 30's and 40's.
Kensington is bounded on the east by Tilden Park. Canon Road takes you right
down to the pony rides, merry go round, and Little Farm.
It's convenient to both the El Cerrito Del Norte BART station (go north on Colusa)
and North Berkeley BART (take Arlington down to Central Berkeley)
The First Unitarian Church of Berkeley is actually in Kensington... but the initials
weren't appropriate for mixed company!
Kensington has two shopping districts:
Kensington Village: with a great market (superb barbeque ribs and chicken), a general market (once a pharmac) with mini-post office, a
bank, and a hardware store. Inn Kensington is our favorite breakfast place - great biscuits, and the fastest service in the East Bay!
Colusa Circle: with Kensington Circus Pub, Semifreddi's Bakery (their flagship
store), Benchmark Pizza, and our favorite Farmers' Market - the Sunday Kensington Farmers' Market on Oak View Avenue.
A special treat awaits architecture buffs. Drive up Kenyon, and turn left on
Purdue. On your right (as you go down the private road) is a handsome house designed
by Bernard Maybeck. This is the 2nd Wallen Maybeck house, built for Maybeck's sone Wallen
and daughter-in-law Jacomena. We saw the home on an architectural tour, and
it had a simple elegance to it.
Kensington Features |
What makes
Kensington special! |
& Restaurants |
Home |
Kensington CA
and I saw this home during an architectural tour...
and I spent the next 5 years trying to find it again.
One day I was driving north on Purdue Avenue, and
realized I’d rediscovered it.
The home is almost monastic in its simplicity -
lovely living room, small bedrooms along a walkway,
and is sited at the crest of the hill... with lovely
natural vegation all around.
We could see ourselves living here very nicely! |
Bank |
Arlington Avenue
Kensington CA
Bank is a friendly, local neighborhood bank. When
you open your account here, be sure to say hello
to Sherman and Victoria.. and tell them Ira & Carol
sent you |
Flower & Gift Shop |
Arlington Avnue
Kensington CA
510-526-0445 |
and gifts next to the deli |
Village |
Kensington CA
Village Site |
Hardware - Kensington |
Arlington Avenue
Kensington CA
510-525-2222 |
only hardware store in the Berkeley (actually Kensington)
Hills. This is the place to go if you don’t want
to drive to Berkeley Ace on University or Pastime
Hardware on San Pablo in El Cerrito |
Park Little Farm |
Berkeley CA
510-635-0135 |
Sheep, Goats, Donkeys and more
This is a WONDERFUL place that we go to when we
just want to get away from it all
It’s particularly magical in the spring, when the
babies are born. There’s nothing as charming as
an infant goat!
Also see Pt. Isabel when you want to be transformed
by 4 legged creatures... of the woofer variety |
Circus |
Colusa Avenue
Kensington CA
510-524-8814 |
We always
enjoy coming to the Kensington Circus (Kensington
Pub). The fish and chips are very well done, and
the Guiness is on tap
It’s one of the few places you can go where there
are muliple generations of folks.
There are infants crawling in the kid area (which
happens to be below the dart board), kids, young
adults, Gen X, Y & Z, Alte Kakkes like me and Carol,
and grandfolks.
Oh... don’t worry about the dart board. I’ve never
seen anyone ever play darts.
Tell Graham that we sent you there! |
Library |
Arlington Avenue
Kensington CA
510-524-3043 |
Outlook |
Arlington Avenue
Kensington CA
510-528-0129 |
paper to read when you want to find out about what's
going on in Berkeley. |
House |
Kensington CA
An 11
acre estate owned by the University of California.
Many times Carol has enjoyed walking the grounds. |
Universalist Church of Berkeley |
Lawson Road
Kensington CA
510-525-0302 |
the church is actually in Kensington, but the initials
of the First Unititarian Church of Kensington just
wouldn’t work. |
269 The Arlington |
Arlington Avenue
Kensington CA
510-525-2757 |
On the northern part of Kensington Village - once was the site of Shai's Deli ... a favorite our ours |
Kensington |
Arlington Avenue
Kensington CA
510-527-5919 |
little cafe in Kensington Village - good food, great
biscuits, and fast service - what more would you
want! Link is under construction |
Semifreddis |
Colusa Avenue
Kensington CA
510-596-9935 |
for a Frequent Freddy Card. Their seeded baguette
is excellent, but I find their coffee a bit strong.
It’s off Colusa Circle in baja Kensington |
Expresso |
Eagle Hill Road
Kensington CA
510-527-7330 |
brings his cappuchino maker to your home for parties
or open houses |
Benchmark Pizzeria |
Oak View Avenue
Kensington CA
510-525-1350 |
Nursery School |
Arlington Avenue
Kensington CA
510-524-7963 |
school across from the Kensington Library |
Family School |
Lawson Road
Kensington CA
510-527-1278 |
information / Kensington |
site for shopping in Kensington |
Cobblers |
Colusa Avenue
Kensington CA
510-524-2285 |
did an outstanding job repairing my shoes. Tue-Sat
9:00-5:30 |
